Canada has soared to the top of its class in international education system rankings. Although many claim that students in South Korea, Singapore, Finland or Norway are the smartest, Canada is gaining recognition for its students as well.
Pisa tests, run by the Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD), have shown Canada’s students to be in the top ten for science, math, and reading. They have surged ahead of the United States and some European countries.
There is no comparison to Singapore and Canada in the style of education and learning. Singapore’s education system is linked to a national strategy and uses systematic progress. It is a compact, close-knit society, unlike Canada’s education system, which is established by individual provinces and is spread out over a large area.
An interesting fact shows that one-third of young adults living in Canada have parents who have immigrated from another country. These students seem to acclimatize quickly and achieve at high levels as do their classmates. The solid consciousness of equality breeds the high academic achievement of the newcomers. For information on how to receive a visa to immigrate to Canada and be a part of this education system, contact Canadian Visa Expert today!
Immigrants moving from China, India, and Pakistan are, for the most part, scholarly and ready to have their children trained to obtain professional careers. With a “hunger” to excel, high expectations raise the bar for high-quality education. A professor at Ontario Institute for Studies in Education at the University of Toronto, David Booth, said, “Many families new to Canada want their children to excel at school, and the students are motivated to learn.”
As 2017 is Canada’s 150th anniversary, this country can declare itself as a superpower in education. To work with an experienced team of immigration professionals and find out if you are qualified for a Canadian visa, contact Canadian Visa Expert for more information.
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