It took close to two hours to sign the many documents, shake all the hands, and pledge allegiance to Canada and the Queen, as 195 newcomers became Canadian citizens in Charlottetown. The individuals and families were greeted by flowers, hugs, applause, and laughter. The immigrants from 32 countries around the globe had one thing in common; the desire to make Canada their new home. If you are dreaming of making Canada your new home, contact Canadian Visa Expert. Their team of immigration specialists will walk you through the required steps of receiving the needed visa to live and work in the country. Contact them today!
One new citizen was Fatima-Zahra Zouhairi, a teacher from a Grade 3 class in Charlottetown, who brought her students to watch the ceremony. “This year, we do citizenship in the social studies, so I just thought it’s the best way to introduce them to be a Canadian citizen,” she said. Coming from the Philippines, Teresa Canada and her son Ynigo, drew applause when their last name was read. Ynigo said it is quite a coincidence. She said the experience was once in a lifetime and she will never forget it. Maria Munoz de Urena, who came from her homeland in the Dominican Republic, just had her 80th birthday as a Canadian citizen. The immigration professionals at Canadian Visa Expert are dedicated to helping everyone receive the needed visa to Canada. They understand the visa process can be overwhelming and they are trained to walk you through the steps of immigration. Contact them!
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